Monday 5 April 2010

The Snowball Effect

The age of the machine is like the snowball effect.

Firstly, one invention leads onto the next getting ever bigger, deadlier and out of control.

Secondly, the inventor of said invention can see the possibility of this escalation but refuses responsibility. His job, he says, is to invent, not to foresee how his invention may be used.

However, the inventor is not just rolling the snowball, but by passing on the responsibility he is giving it a shove from the top of the hill. There is a point where the snowball starts to roll, increasing in velocity, when it stops getting smaller, and starts getting bigger until it becomes a danger. One person alone has no control over the giant snowball racing towards them; annihilating whatever sits in its path, not caring how many innocent bystanders it takes out on route.

When and who should take responsibility?

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